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As you get busier, you need to minimise new callers interrupting your work throughout the day

Pain Point

I want to increase the profile of my business with a 1300 number rather than my mobile.


  • The client was becoming increasingly overloaded with calls to their mobile, which was taking more and time from them to get their work done
  • They engaged us to provide a 1300 service coupled with a live answer service


  • Enabling the client to still receive personal calls, whilst taking care of their work calls.


  • We identified with the client that by advertising a 1300 number and diverting that to a live answering service they would minimise new callers interrupting their work
  • We then identified that by diverting their mobile calls to the same live answer service they would be able to intercept any they thought were personal/urgent and leave the others. For those that came to the live answer service, we would SMS them

The final solution included:

  • We implemented our TMC Connect 1300 Service coupled with our Live Answer Messaging Service
  • The client is now able to provide a professional image to their customers whilst being able to spend more time getting the job done with the minimal expense of our usage based 24/7 solution

If you’d like to know more about our bespoke 1300 number and Live Answering services,

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