Home | Industries | When you’re outgrowing your technical support capacity and considering whether an offshore solution is viable

When you’re outgrowing your technical support capacity and considering whether an offshore solution is viable

Pain Point

Needing additional (inhouse) personnel to manage technical support services to growing clientele. Too costly and unable to afford to employ more skilled personnel locally.


  • The client was inundated with request for technical support due to growing business
  • The support requests required remote (offsite) support, so could be delivered from anywhere where there was an internet connection
  • They engaged TMC to source a suitably skilled person to work within their existing team at less than half the cost of what it would otherwise have cost if delivered from Australia
  • The clients were indifferent to this resource being in the Philippines


  • The client required an urgent solution
  • The client did not have the budget to employ a similarly skilled person in Australia
  • The Client required the solution to have no negative impact to his existing client experience


  • We advertised the position as a vacancy in our Manila office
  • We short listed suitably skilled applicants for presentation to our client
  • The client interviewed 3 applicants and offered the job to his preferred person
  • The successful applicant joined our clients existing team seamlessly

The final solution included:

  • We implemented our Offshore Dedicated Team Solution
  • The client saved more than 50% on what it would have otherwise cost in Australia
  • The appointment was deemed a success by the client and warmly received by our clients’ clients

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